Membership Benefits and Applications
Membership in the Association for General and Liberal Studies is open to anyone interested in helping undergraduate students to develop broad understandings of methods, goals, and knowledge across academic disciplines, and fundamental habits of mind and intellectual discipline characteristic of an educated person.
PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIP is $40 per year. Any person who is currently employed in higher education is eligible to become a Professional Member.
INSTITUTIONAL MEMBERSHIP is $350 per year. Any accredited College or University that supports the Mission and Goals of AGLS may become an institutional member.
As of March 2014, the membership year runs from September through August.
Individual Members
Individual Members receive:
AGLS e-Newsletter: our occasional e-news offers brief articles on the news of the association, relevant events to the membership, and links to publications on general and liberal education. Possible topics to be included are assessment news, reports on new program development, critiques of reports on higher education, pedagogical innovations for general education, faculty development initiatives, and book reviews.
Journal Discount: online access to the Journal of General Education via Scholarly Publishing Collective, and can subscribe to any Penn State University Press journal at a discount of 35% off the applicable list price. Plus, individual members can refer their institutions to receive a 25% discount off an institutional subscription on the journal. subscribe to any Pennsylvania State University Press journal at a discount.
Opportunities for guest bloggers and program features: members are encouraged to write short, informal pieces for our blog and to submit their program for highlighting in our two feature spotlights.
Join now with a credit card! We use PayPal for Non-Profits. Note: you DO NOT need to have a PayPal account to pay your membership fees.
Institutional Members
Institutional Members are usually programs or schools which provide support to an institution’s general / liberal studies program and allows institutions to support the involvement of their faculty and staff in the work of AGLS.
Benefits include:
Linking: a link from the AGLS website to your institution’s home page or general education program’s web page. Plus, institutional members are acknowledged in publications such as the AGLS newsletter, conference programs, website, and other appropriate publications.
Discounted conference registrations: all conference attendees from a member institution may receive a 15% discount on registration fees. Contact the AGSL office for the appropriate code to enter at check out.
Participation Purdue University Global General Education Virtual Conference: Institutional members are invited to participate at no charge in Purdue Global’s General Education Virtual Conference. This conference is designed to support both faculty members and administrators that teach or work with general education courses and content. Participation in this conference includes the ability to submit to present as well as attend virtual sessions.
Journal Discount: institutional member libraries can subscribe to the Journal of General Education at a discount of 50% off an institutional subscription AND can subscribe to any Pennsylvania State University Press journal at a 35% discount off the applicable list price.
Opportunities for guest bloggers and program features: members are encouraged to write short, informal pieces for our Gen Ed on My Mind, Program Snapshot, or Campus on the Move features.