AGLS Now Offers External Gen Ed Program Review Support!
Looking to conduct an external academic program review for your general education program? You’ve come to the right place! Whether you are conducting the review as part of an institutional or accrediting body cycle or need an outside perspective as you gear up for a gen ed reform, AGLS can inform the process and connect with you people to get the most out of your review.
Here you’ll find questions to consider while planning out your external review, a list of potential reviewers highly involved with gen ed at the national level, and guidance on conducting an institutional self-study to inform and complement the external review.
Disclaimer: Although all of the listed potential reviewers are experienced in gen ed at their institutions, have served in an official capacity with AGLS (e.g. AGLS Council member), have expressed a willingness to serve as a reviewer, and have received strategies and tools for conducting a useful external review, AGLS assumes no responsibility for quality, fiscal negotiation, or agreed-upon commitments related to the review. AGLS seeks to play the role of “matchmaker” and resource hub to help you design and facilitate a useful external review. If your review is linked to accreditation, be sure to review their specific expectations and requirements.
This page was updated March 15, 2025