Exemplary General Education Program Award

Exemplary General Education Program Award

The Association for General and Liberal Studies is the national organization whose mission is singularly committed to quality general education programs and their central role in the liberal education of students. Thus, are committed to recognizing institutions committed to systematic, verifiable general education learning achieved through one of four identified focus categories of improvement.

National and international education officials, accreditors, and faculty leaders increasingly associate “quality” education with student learning outcomes and continuous quality improvement processes. Moving away from the view of education as a simple act of passing a static body of knowledge from faculty to students, they value education practiced as a commitment to a set of collectively-practiced, ongoing activities: making institutional choices about the most important goals for student learning and defining the learning in terms of desired outcomes; developing a shared faculty commitment to actions such as high impact, active learning strategies and faculty development designed to increase student achievement; making informed judgments about student achievement and the impact of various general education program support processes; and ensuring continuous improvements in the educational program. Despite the commitment of academic leaders and accreditors to these processes, too few institutions have succeeded in applying systematic improvement processes to the general education program. As a result, discussions about higher education accountability and improvement conclude that higher education can benefit from models of innovative, effective, and systematic general education program improvements and assessments. For these reasons, the Exemplary Gen Ed Program Award celebrates and promotes institutional commitment to continuous quality improvement processes, recognizes faculty and institutions that practice these quality behaviors, and provides much needed examples of effective improvement processes.


David DiMattio (left) congratulates Daniel Fecher as he accepts Clemson’s award


David DiMattio (right) congratulates John Ophus as he accepts Northern Iowa’s award


David DiMattio (middle) congratulates Jenni Gallagher (right) and Stephen Biscotte (left) as they accept Tech’s award

Award Purpose

To annually recognize up to three higher education institutions that have significantly revised and/ or improved their general education curriculum and/or its implementation and have supporting evidence.


Any institutions of higher education who have successfully and effectively revised and/or improved their general education (aka liberal education, core curriculum, etc.) program in the last five years (2019 – 2023).


Awardees will receive:

  • a digital medallion to place on their institutional website
  • a plaque recognizing their successes
  • recognition on the AGLS website, listserv, and other publications
  • a complimentary one-year institutional membership for the 2024-25 term OR if already an institutional member for the upcoming year–two half-priced registrations for the October 2024 Constitute.


Recipient institutions will be expected to send one representative to accept the award, participate in a Exemplary Program Panel Session to share the stories of their revision/improvement journey, and are welcome to request a 60-minute breakout session slot for further sharing in greater detail of their institution’s gen ed work.

2024 Focus

In 2024, application forms describing quality general education program work could be submitted for the following improvement process:  C0-Curricular General Education Learning  [question A7 in the AGLS Guide]

Download award guidelines HEREWord versions of the application are available upon request.

Application forms should be received no later than June 1, 2024 at 5PM EDT.

Please email complete applications as a PDF to execdir@agls.org.

2023  Clemson University, University of Northern Iowa, and Virginia Tech
2022  program under review, no applications sought
2021  program under review, no applications sought
2020  no award given
2019  Boston University, Queens University of Charlotte, St. Edward’s University
2018  no award given
2017  no award given
2016  Florida Gulf Coast University, Kaplan University, and Webster University
2015  Boise State University, Portland State University, and St. Mary’s College (California)[international award] The Chinese University of Hong Kong

David J. DiMattio, Ph.D.
Dean for the School of Science & Mathematics
Connecticut State Community College

Kenneth Retzl, Ph.D.
Director of Institutional Research and Assessment
Clarke University- Dubuque, Iowa

Kimberly Sorrentino, Ed.D.
Director of Assessment, Accountability, and Accreditation- Neag School of Education
University of Connecticut

Kelly Trahan, Ed. D.
Dean of Education, Computer Science, and Online Learning
Lehigh Carbon Community College- Pennsylvania

This page updated March 2, 2024